
※English follows.
江戸時代が奇跡的に“真空パック”された重要伝統的建造物群保存地区(略称:重伝建保存地区)である「今井町」に、奇跡の景観を有する“見晴らし茶屋” 「ももや」が誕生しました。

今から500年近く前、1533年の室町時代中期に宗教武装自治地区である寺内町として今井町は誕生しました。17世紀後半、五代将軍綱吉の幕藩体制以降 、今井町は、「海の堺、陸の今井」「大和の金は今井に七分」と呼ばれる程の栄華を誇り、幕府直轄の天領にもなりましたが、その歴史は堺とは非常に深い繋がりがありました。








もちろん、魅力は景観や好立地だけにとどまりません。1958 年(昭和 33 年)には、奈良県産の「べにほまれ」で作った紅茶が、ロンドンの全世界紅茶品評会で最優秀賞を獲得し、国内だけでなく世界からも高い評価を受けた伝統ある大和の「和紅茶」や、いちじくや柿等の「果実葉茶」、そして大和の地で私達が発見した人気の和菓子をセットでお楽しみいただけるカフェであります。

遠く奈良時代に編纂された、『大和国風土記(やまとのくにふどき)』には、)には、「面語(おもがたり)」という言葉が現れます。それは、「 面と向き合って語る」という意味ですが、今井町を通じて、500年という歴史の時間軸の中で、訪問者が自分の成り立ちを見つめられる、自分との接点が共に語れる、そのようなご縁がある“場”、そして再訪時に、「ただいま」といえる気が休まる茶屋にできればと存じます。




【Momoya’s wish】
Momoya was built in Imaicho town where is designated as Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings showing townscape reminding Edo era(1603-1868)
Imaicho town is famous for the place where Sokyu Imai was born, a renowned tea master, and Hideyoshi Toyotomi had a tea ceremony. You can enjoy fabulous scene of Imaicho town from the 2nd floor of this fifty-years-old house where have been since 1960s.

Back in 1533, Imaicho town was built as “Jinaicho”, where merchants and masterless samurais gathered to form.

In the late 17 century, which is after the fifth Shogun Tsunayoshi Tokugawa’s feudal system, Imaicho flourished and became popular as commercial and industrial town since it was called that one-seventh gold in the area can be mined from Imaicho and recognized resourced area as same as Sakai which was one of the biggest port city.

Sokyu Imai who was one of the greatest merchants and tea masters from Imaicho town served Nobunaga and Hideyoshi and was known as three tea masters alongside Sen no Rikyū and Tsuda Sōgyū.

Currently there is tea-ceremony room called “Obaian” at Daisen park in Sakai city, and it has a deep connection with Sokyu. Originally, it was owned by Toyoda family in Imaicho town and donated to Sakai city in 1980. According to the record in Imaicho town, it used to be called “Sokyu tea-ceremony room” and was built for Hideyoshi Toyotomi coming to see cherry blossom tree at Mt. Yoshino. In May every year, there is one event inspired by Sokyu and in which people disguise with Kimono and walk through the Imaicho town called “Sajin-Gyoretsu”
Momoya was established in the area where strongly related to tea culture.

As you can read through above, Imaicho is deeply connected with tea culture. Momoya where was built in Apr 2020 is not exactly the historic building in Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings but is an old building from 1960s. However the inside of it was renewed with a lot of pollen, Japanese cypress, zelkova and natural wood taking a half of the year to renew.

Before renovation, this building was typical two story building in Edo era and Meiji era which had a fenced window so that people cannot enjoy outside view. But after renovation, people became to enjoy historic scenery from the clear huge window and the balcony which people in Edo era and Meiji era could not.

Especially, it is pretty rare that people can see the townscape in direction of Mt. Nijo where you can see from the balcony facing to the west at sunset. The scenery is fabulous as if time has stopped for 200 years.

It is also easy to access to Momoya since it locates uphill 3 minutes walk from Yaginishiguchi station, 10 minutes walk from Yamatoyagi station though. Imaicho town is one-stop and all-in-one sight where you will literally experience “seeing better than hearing”

You will have great experience at Momoya not only scenery, but tea, which is made of strawberry from Nara prefecture called “Benihomare” and awarded at global tea championship in London, 1958. Also, there is a traditional Japanese tea called “Wa Kocha” which had references from all the world and Fruits tea like fig and persimmon assorted with Japanese sweets.

In the old records called “Yamato No Kuni Fudoki” edited back in Nara era, it mentioned a word called “Omogatari”. It means facing something and address. We hope that all of you can experience that here somehow in Momoya.

Apr 2020

Owner of Momoya

Opening hours : 9:30-17:00

No. of seats : 15

Opening day : Friday,Saturday, Sunday and Monday

※Please confirm opening hours and day each time.

Translated by Yoshiaki Idesaki(出崎 義明)